Saturday, 27 August 2011

4th Year Project Inspiration...

I use the term inspiration lightly.

So almost all my summer has been taken up with thoughts of my final year project. I happened to come across some products that are hovering around the fine line between genius and insane. Decide for yourself.

 1. Viagra Ring. Great name.

2. A personal favourite. Cannot think of a better way to wake up.

3. Everything you could ever need at a festival leaving the other hand free for fist pumping.

4. We all know a couple that would genuinely buy and use these.

5. Every man will need one one day.

6. To avoid the embarrassing "YOU ATE MY SANDWICH" Ross Geller moments.

 7. Censorship sunglasses.

I'll update with some more as soon as they are invented.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Social High Ground.

Right now my Facebook news feed is filled with people complaining and disgracing about the riots taking place all over London and other parts of England. It's now Monday night, rioting has been going on since Saturday and has just spread to Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham. So why am I seeing a flood of statuses only just now? Some of which are filled with outrages language both stereotypical, derogatory and extremely racist.

Want to take a guess at the percentage of these "Keyboard Journalists" who have gathered their information from various news sources compared to those who have simply clicked 'like' on groups such as Smashing up your own city because you have the IQ of a ham sandwichNot rioting in London, because I'm not a degenerate scumbag. or The Kaiser Chiefs predicted this 7 years ago.

Which makes you think how many of these 'protesters' throughout the country understand the reasons, right or wrong, behind the protests which led to the riots? Could they all tell you who Mark Duggan was? Are these riots being fueled by various messages and pages floating around the internet in a digital game of Chinese Whispers.